What you need to know about Targeting Options For AdWords Display Campaign


Blog1As we all know there is a tremendous progress taking place in the technological field.  One such field would be the marketing arena.  All those traditional marketing platforms which were used widely have become obsolete and digital marketing has taken over them.

If you are an amateur into digital marketing field and would like to learn more about it, it is important that you start your learning from scratch.  So let us look briefly about the ways you can target your audiences and lure them into your site.

What is a display campaign?

The ‘search network’ as the name suggests is basically search ads or rather Pay-per-click Advertising which are displayed when a related query is typed into the search bar.

Whereas, the ‘display network’ consists of banner ads which businesses place across the internet.  The one advantage of display network is that it is not narrowed or limited to search query results i. e.  it can be placed anywhere on the internet.  Moreover, they are more ‘customizable’ as they target specific audiences and specific websites.

With the possession of above advantages, we may well look at the latter in more detail.

How to target your ads?

The question of ‘how’ broadly divides our concern into two areas.

  1. Targeting on Google searches

(a) Keyword targeting: This is most simple way, where we buy a set of keywords from Google and these keywords when used in search query display our product, service or site.

(b) Location and language targeting: When we display our ads on the Google search page, the Google charge us a fee called as Cost Per Click (CPC). Now when we show our ads to people who cannot avail our product (for eg: due to different geographic location), it leads to unnecessary clicks and poor lead rate.  Hence it is important to target the audience based on geographic location and language.  When you choose the language and location Google automatically collects the IP address of the user and show necessary ads.

(c) Device Targeting: Due to a large number of mobile users in the market, device targeting has been gaining popularity among online marketers.  As Certain products and services such as Uber,Ola etc are solely developed for mobile devices, it would be effective if device targeting is used in such cases.

(d) Audience Targeting: This is one interesting technique as it involves dynamic bidding.  This method primarily focuses on those customers who showed interest in your product or service.  For instance, when a customer looks for a product in E-commerce sites, he may search it using a set of keywords.

In audience targeting which is popularly known as Re-marketing, we bid on these keywords for visitors on remarketing lists and follow them on different sites with similar products which might attract them.  This will help you increase your lead number.

  1. Targeting on Websites

Apart from keywords targeting, location/language targeting and device targeting which was discussed above, Targeting on website consists of two useful methods.

  • Topic Targeting: In topic targeting, the ad words analyze the page content of a site and if it matches with your pre-set category you provided during setup, your ads will be displayed on the site. For eg: If your site sells Motorbikes, they may show up in pages related to automobiles, travel etc.  This ensures that ads appear for those who are likely to have taste in your products.
  • Placement Targeting: In placement targeting, we manually select a few sites which have content that falls into our category. Unlike topic targeting, keywords are not necessary.  And ads can be placed anywhere on the site.

From this brief write-up, you might have got an idea about how the Display campaigns work and the various ways by which targeting customers is possible.  It’s a vast field, the actual targeting process needs tremendous patience as the results will be gradual.

Nevertheless, if you can keep yourself updated and spent time on it, the success won’t be far off.