How to Set Up your Facebook Ads in less than 2 minutes

Every business owner/musician/blogger must create these ads, and utilize these opportunities to increase customer base and brand visibility. Building up your Facebook Ads is pretty much simple, and easy to setup. Below are the steps

Step 1 – Create an Ad. For creating an Ad on Facebook check at the top right hand corner of your browser. Click on the little button, you’ll find a list of options will drop down. Now click on the Create Ads.


Step 2 – Select Objective of Your Campaign: After you clicked on Create Ads link, a new page will come to set the objective of your campaign. There a bunch of options are listed. You can promote URLs, pages, applications, events, places or domains. For example, if you want to drive users off of Facebook to an external URL, or you’d like to promote your Facebook page and get more ‘likes’ so that you can grow your fan base more quickly.


Step 3 – Set Up the Ads. Select from the dropdown what you want to advertise. For example, if you chose the Promote Your Page objective, you’ll type in the URL that you want people to go to


Step 4 – Account Info: Now your Ad account info page open , start creating your Ad account. Your ads billing and reporting data will be recorded in this currency and time zone.


Step 5 – Create Your Ad Set:  Select the geographical region from locations in which you want to create your ad set. Pay particular attention to the checkbox that includes location range of the region you’ve selected, as you may or may not want to target additional areas.


Step 6 – Target by Age and Gender: Here you can select the gender and age groups you’d like to target your ad. After that uncheck the box to the right, doing this will show your ad to people slightly outside the target age range you’ve selected. Doing this may get you more impressions.


Step 7 – Target Your Ad to Interests. At this stage, you can target users based on their  interests, behaviors and more. It includes list of broad categories which also links to precise interests.


Step 8 – Define Interests. If the particular interests that you’d like to target your ad towards are not included within broad target category, then simply type in the keywords that are most relevant to you. Facebook will directly display that option.

Step 9 – Use Broad Categories: Facebook also provides options within their broad categories. If you see categories here that match your target market, simply click the box and your ad will automatically be included within the chosen segment.

Step 10 – Target Your Ad Based on Connections. Facebook also offers ad targeting based on connections. You can target people who are connected to your facebook page or specific apps, and even events.


Step 11 –How Much Do You Want to Spend. In this set your budget and schedule are set depending on the time when u want to run your ad. Facebook will charge you on CPM pricing (cost per 1000 times your ad is displayed) rather than CPC (cost per click your ad receives).


Step 12- Add Images & Links to your account. In this section you can add multiple images to your account. Each image you add will create a different ad in your ad set.


Step 13 – Review Your Ad. Be sure to review your Facebook ad before taking it live, to ensure exactly how you’re paying, when the ads are like, who the ads are targeting e.t.c

Step 14- Launch Your Facebook Ad! Last step is that click on “Place Order” button to take your ad live.

This article is written by Nirad Kumar SEO Analyst at